Monday, February 27, 2012

Adam's Parents Came to Visit Us in Haiti

I love when people come to visit us, because we get to do things out of the ordinary.  I always discover and see so much more.  Here is a photo/video tour of their week.
Dan, Magen, and Adam at the ocean front.

The Cap-Haitian Cathedral's front stain glass window.
View of Cap-Haitian
Adam and his parent's at the beach.

Adam's mom working on puzzles with one of my students.
Going to see Samson and Mishou's new baby.
Hiking to the Citadelle.
Finally there.

Going to the bathroom at the Citadelle is pretty exciting.  If your scared of heights I recommend using the toilets at the bottom before you begin your ascent, because there is only one choice at the top.  But, if you happen to forget or just need to go again you will find yourself dangling in the air.  Take a look.

San Succa Palace

Our Nannies Do All

Five weeks ago we received a call that shook our hearts.  At 2 am one of our dear nannies called Adam to tell him that one of our little girls had passed away.  Earlier that day she had accompanied the little girl to our local hospital.  She had come into our care extremely malnourished and she was in a fragile state.  That night she sat with her while she went to heaven.

Our nannies do great things here.  They are the mothers.  They are the nurses.  They are the ones who sometimes have to be with our children when they die.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dekole (Unstuck) J.Perry with Shabba and Izolan

You can hardly go anywhere without hearing kids singing this song.  J.Perry is an icon here in Haiti and actually quite famous in the U.S. as well.  His lyrics are clean and his message is good.  He sings about getting Haiti dekole (unstuck).  The music video is a typical music video.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Miss Chante and Miss Emily agreed to take these lovely photos of Adam and I for Valentine's Day.  Thank you girls!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Boa Constrictor

Adam and I see snakes every now and then here in Haiti.  I am really not a fan, but I don't mind them that much if they aren't poisonous.  (The few times I saw Rattlers back in SD I hated it.) 

After seeing a few we asked if there are any poisonous snakes.  We were pleased to hear there aren't.  Until the night of January 23rd when I discovered that although there aren't poisonous snakes there are deadly ones.

This is the boa constrictor I saw that night.
He is suffocating a frog.
The pole he is on is the railing of our stair case.
Unfortunately the railing is hollow, so that is where he went into hide.

Note:  Our camera went missing, so I couldn't take a good quality pictures.


Although Mardi Gras isn't for another week, Haitians have been preparing to enter the time of Carnival.  In fact, they have been preparing for lent every Sunday for the last month.  This is the Rara band that marched past our compound yesterday.
Happy Lenten Season!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

1st World Problems In A 3rd World County

In Haiti Adam and I often find ourselves complaining about 1st world problems.  Friday we were going out to eat for a friend's birthday party, when we began to complain about the back windshield wiper in our Jeep.  All the sudden the wiper blade stopped cleanning the dust off well from the dirt roads.

On our 30 minute drive to dinner with Nick and Nikki, they enlitened us on this video:
Nikki came up with what our missionary rap would be called, "1st World Problems in a 3rd World Country."

These are so of the things Adam and I would sing about:
  • Walking downstairs to cook, since we don't have a kitchen in our studio apartment.
  • Having to shower in the afternoon, because we don't always have water in the morning and at night the water is too cold.
  • Having to walk outside to turn on the generator when our solar power elecricity stops.
  • Being sent care packages with microwavable meals, but having to cook them on the stove. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

COTP New Standard

Last month when Jamie came to visit he put together a video stating COTP purpose and the direction we want to go.  
My precious preschool children can be spotted throughout the video clip, as well as Adam and I.
Click here to watch this video.

Nick's Construction Video Blog Feb 6th

COTP is expanding our complex by building homes on our back property.  There will be one home for the director, as well as many homes for families.  
I am so excited about these family homes.  The families are going to live with our children.  It will become our kids' foster homes.  My coworker Nikki states something like, God designed it for children to grow up in families.  We are the second best thing for them.  
Knowing that we are already second best, COTP wants to ensure we are doing our very best.  These homes are so important, because we need to provide the emotional security of a family.
Click on here to watch the video.