How we were given the opportunity to go to Haiti?
We were married two years ago and have loved living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with our family and friends. Yet we are excited to depart to Cap Haitian, Haiti August 2011. Our church, Central Baptist, blessed us with the opportunity to go to Children of the Promise (COTP) and serve. COTP is a crèche that cares for sick and malnourished infants /toddlers.
What we did before joining COTP?
Adam earned his degree in Bible and Biblical Languages from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. For the last two years he has worked as the Middle School Youth Director at our church. I (Mateja) attended the University of Sioux Falls for my undergraduate and graduate degrees. For the past three years I have been teaching elementary school.
What our new roles will be at COTP?
The short term volunteers at COTP are vital. Adam will assist in coordinating their visits. He will also work with the Haitian staff, as well as do administrative duties. I (Mateja) will be working to assist the preschool.