Friday, December 9, 2011

Welcomed Home by a Rat

Traveling to Haiti can be exhausting.  Even though Haiti is just around 700 miles south of Florida it still takes forever to get there.  Adam and I left early morning on Monday and got to Haiti at noon on Tuesday.  The 30 hour trip was accompanied with sleeping in the Ft. Lauderdale airport.  Therefore, when we arrived at COTP we were excited to get unpacked and go see the children.

After entering our apartment it became evident we wouldn't be unpacking too much that night.  Despite our efforts to clean before we left (Adam bleached the floors.  I packed up what I thought was all the food and we got our clothes washed), the apartment we came back to was not clean.

The window screens were chewed out.  The corner of our door was gnawed on.  The guitar case also had various nibbles taken out of it.  And, our almond package was partially eaten.  Our clean towel pile had rodent hair on it.  The clothes in my drawer was made into a nest.  Droppings were scattered throughout our room. All the evidence pointed to one thing...a rat.

You would think after cleaning all that disgusting stuff up we wouldn't be able to sleep.  Not so.  We looked everywhere.  I mean everywhere.  My cousin told us a story about how rats entered a prison through toilets, so we even looked there.  After all our searching we went to bed assuming the rat had vacated his new home.

The next day after school I came into our apartment to find a new dropping, just one on the fan.  Adam and I debated whether the the dropping was in fact new or had we just missed it.  We determine since we could only find one we must have just missed it.

While laying in bed I told Adam that I heard scratching.  We got up and looked around for awhile, but found nothing.  Adam told me it was probably just the rain.  (It rains pretty hard at night and all kinds of weird noises happen during rain storms.)  After falling to sleep Adam jumps out of bed startling me too.  He claims now he hears scampering.  The noises I heard too confirm there is a rat.  Not outside, but inside our apartment.

The rat attempted hidding from us, but his original spot wasn't so good. 
Adam hit him with a broom, but failed to kill him before he escaped out our front door.  Now there is a gimpy rat running around the COTP compound.

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