Our dear friend Sara is a birder. For those of you who aren't sure what that means, she goes out looking for birds. She keeps track of the birds she sees and writes down bird species she sees for the first time (life birds).
I am always looking for people to inspire my kiddos, so Sara's passion was something I knew these kids would benefit from.
She has visited us on many occasions in preschool and we love her. So this week we painted binoculars and couldn't wait for Sara to come.
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On Thursday Sara came to school. She took us on our first birding expedition. Before we could go though we had to learn what to look for and how to look. Sara brought her bird book to school and we looked up a bird that lives in our area, the Bananaquit. The Bananaquit has a yellow tummy, so it looks like a banana. It can be spotted in trees, just like bananas. Then we colored our own Bananaquits. Sara then taught us how to to look for birds and how to use binoculars.
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Then finally we got to go on our expedition. And guess what...we spotted a Bananaquit (the same bird we colored). To be correct I believe only Sara and myself spotted the Bananaquit, but these two kiddos below looked pretty convincing. Some of us were content looking at the birds on the ground, our chickens.
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We had so much fun out birding that when we got back to the classroom we wanted to keep looking for birds. Some of us kept using our binoculars.
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I miss that, looks like u all had a great outing!
Oh Mateja! I love your blog SO much! You really captured the children's interest in those photos! Thanks so much for the invitation to participate in your Preschool. I hope the children grow up to examine and appreciate God's gift of their natural environment, and I really hope they will care about the well-being of their local birds and animals! :P
Sara Called Birdie!
Awesome Mateja! Stuff like this is SO awesome for the kids! Daryl
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